
[NBDE, DDS, NDBE & NEET] Self Assessment Before Trying HIgher Dental Exams

Self Questions Before You Plan To Prepare For Higher Dental Degree Exams

Q7. Do you have time?

Preparing for higher dental exams require lots of quality time, what type of plan you have?

Are you in an intern or working as a house surgeon?

Are you planning to run a clinic at the same time? – This one is a bad option.

 Q8. Are you a sticky person?

Preparing for PG or any Higher Dental Exam is long term process you can’t get confidence overnight.

People don’t know what’s going to happen until the day of the examination, but you have to stick to your goal.

Can you do that?

Q9. Are you willing to risk your one year after graduation?

Have you assessed your financial power?


Basic thing is that you must decide the importance of your attempt, are you going to give only one attempt or keep on trying?

Choose wisely because time is money.

In this time your financial backup plays a major role. You cannot keep on trying and be trying for the exams. It not only takes time out of here career but also valuable finance.

So, you must make a plan beforehand as to how many attempts you are going to give yourself before you successfully qualify the exams.

There is also the financial requirement. 

Whether you try for higher dental exams abroad or in your own country, it needs money. If you are planning abroad dental exams like NBDE etc it is going to cost you a great many dollars for a single attempt. So, you do not have the luxury of trying the exams multiple times. 

Hence, it is very important that you practically analyze the financial power you have.

If you do not assess the two main points mentioned above (time & finance) you will end up losing both time and money without any gain to your career.

Q10. Can you blend humility and ego?

A humble person is the one who has the maximum chance to succeed, having humility is good but keeping a healthy ego is necessary.

What’s the Difference between Humility and Ego?

The difference between Humility and Unhealthy ego is very thin. 

It’s interesting that both humility and ego has the same base origin – the desire for success.

Everyone is striving for success and sooner or later everyone achieves some degree of success. But whether that initial success leads to bigger success depends on whether you have humility or ego.

But whether that initial success leads to bigger success depends on whether you have humility or ego.

What Happens if Case of Humility?

Humility will make you realize that this initial success in just a stepping stone.

It will keep you grounded.

It will keep you motivated.

It will make you see the bigger picture and goal in life.

It will also make you understand that success and failure are the two sides of the same coin.

It will make you grateful and motivate you to strive harder for more success.

What Happens if Case of Ego?

Ego is like an addiction. It makes you high for a temporary period of time.

It takes your focus away.

You get so drunk in your success that you stop progressing in your craft.

You get into that zone where you feel that you are just the best without realizing that there are others also who are working hard for success.

This is what ego induced pride does and it makes you oblivious to the fact that you are gradually lagging behind in the race.

The moment you become full with the unhealthy ego – it drags you away from the correct course of action.

It gives you that false sense of invincibility when there is none. Why ? Because ego can! That’s why it is called a vice. 

Keep Humility which will keep you grounded.

At the same time, humility will make you work harder as you are more rooted in reality.

This will increase your confidence in a healthy way and make you more careful.

So, healthy ego makes you more careful for success.

Q11. Do you take yourself too seriously? 

You must have a sense of humor among all the seriousness.

It’s an exam to evaluate your knowledge in a particular subject, it’s not about evaluating you as a person.

If you are unsuccessful it doesn’t mean you are a failure, life doesn’t end here,

Don’t just kill yourself every day!

Laugh around and be light.

This will improve your chances of getting success.

Working dedicatedly for a cause and at the same time not getting overly tensed and paranoid about it is an art and to be successful in anything you do, you must master this quality. 

Conclusion & Take Away Points for Dentists

This concludes the article. I hope you did get some useful tips that will help you in your dental exams and higher dental career. Don’t forget to browse some other amazing articles that will help you in your dental career.

I agree that after the dental graduation it gets very confusing. You will get bits of advice from so many quarters.

But not every advice will be good for you. So, if you have read the article till now then let us recap all the questions that you need to ask yourself before you decide on trying for higher dental examinations.

(Whether in abroad or your native country).

Questions to ask – How to proceed after dental graduation?

  • Ask yourself – What is your priority? Do you want to study higher in dentistry or you want to work as a dentist right away? Ask yourself thousand times and answer faithfully.
  • If your priority is clinical practice then you should not waste time in preparing for higher dental exams.
  • But if you are motivated to go for higher dental degrees in your country or abroad then go to next set of questions.
  • Do you still love and feel motivated to move ahead in dentistry?
  • Are you willing to do the hard work? (It includes hours of study & revisions)
  • Are you ready to evolve? (It includes understanding to changing rules and always changing exam patterns)
  • Are you ready to adapt? (It includes adapting to a new country and workplace. For dentists, who are planning to work abroad as a dentist)
  • Are you a self-motivator?
  • Can you work hard and study consistently for several months?
  • Do you have enough time and finance?
  • Can you stay without ego?
  • Do you take yourself too seriously?