

HOW TO PREPARE FOR DENTAL EXAMS ? The trips and tricks to prepare for dental educational exams starting from dental graduation to higher degrees.


How many hours should I spend

in a day for entrance preparation??

This is again a silly question.

It varies from person to person and the time period we have for exams.

Remember it is the consistency that plays the most important role.

Read daily at least 5 hours approx.

Initial preparation—you have to allocate at least  4-5 hours.

During final preparatory phases,  it should be gradually increased to 8-9 hours.

In our survey, we found that 95 % of the successful candidates have allotted more than 12-16 hours of time during the final stages.

The minimum time they allotted is 5 hours a day.

So if you are sure that you can allocate this much of time for your entrance – then only start preparing for the various dental qualifying exams– otherwise enjoy the beauty of the life. 

– otherwise, enjoy the beauty of the life. 

So the key word here – consistency and repetition

That is the only way to master something. Consistently sit and study for 5 hours every day so that it becomes a habit. Initial days will be difficult as you will tend to lose focus. But keep repeating the process and soon you will get the habit to focus and study for 5 hours.

And when the time comes for more effort you will be able to transition much more easily to longer hours of study.

Step # 6 – Should I Join A Coaching Center? 

Individual Preparation or Group Studies?

Question papers Daily? Use of Internet?

Should I join A Coaching Center?

I prefer yes only –if you have access to this coaching institutes and fees affordable to you—you may join and attend the classes and exams.

Individual preparation or group studies?

Both—??—yes ..yes

10 times reading =  1-time writing

10 times writing = 1 time Hearing

10 times hearing= 1-time Teaching

By group discussions, You will be known what is unknown  or what you have missed during reading

  • makes you remember things for a longer time.
  • clear your doubts
  • judge if you are going too slow

The discussion will drift to extracurricular topics ?? – don’t spend more than 30 minutes!

Use of Internet Sites & Social Blogs

  • You believe it or not this is one of the reasons why many hard workers have lost entrances.
  • The main reason why they search these sites is to find out the mistakes or controversial questions. Until and unless you complete a full reading of all the major portions of the exam, don’t  spend more than 30 minutes on these sites.
  • In the final stages also –some toppers have commented that they are depressed by seeing the questions posted on these sites.
  • So don’t waste time on sticking and discussing unnecessary mistakes and controversial questions.
  • Be normal and be thorough with the Basics.
  • Don’t  try to jump in the air without a proper grip of your feet on the ground.

Should I do question papers daily

  • The answer is definitely yes. Let this question papers be from coaching test centers, MCQquestion paper books.
  • Ask your juniors to prepare just 10 question from any pre-clincals and just solve them
  • Ask your brother or sister, frns or any family members to blindly prepare the questions from the books and try to solve them.
  • As preparation progresses by the end of fifth month you should be able to do a full question paper of 200 questions.Try to answer this paper by thinking you are giving the original exam.

Do you know why these practice papers are useful. 

The answer is you may be knowing what is called as DESENSITIZATION.

Most of the mistakes are committed with questions you already know in the examination. Practice test help you to avoid this mistakes

  • recognize and rectify the mistakes that you generally tend to commit during actual test situations.
  • Most essentially habituate yourself to switching challenges from one topic to another.
  • analyze the pattern of your response to questions.
  • analyze whether you are up to the mark in speed required during actual test situations.

To make your preparation effective, a self-assessment section is included to assess how much you know. To customize yourself with exam environment situation we suggest you solve model test papers daily.

See Next Slide: (Step 7)