

Wahy American & European Dentists are 10 times richer than other dentists in World? This article will analyze the reason behind these points.


Why Are The Western Dentists Doing So Well Financially Compared To Dentists In Indian Subcontinent?

As per Forbes dentistry is one of the most highly paying job in the world for 3 straight years 2013, 2014, 2015. They literally earn millions and are one of the highest tax payers in their country. Now when the Forbes means the world – its taking an average of the leading countries being United States,European countries & Middle Eastern countries like Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi.

And its a fact that the dentists in Western & Gulf Countries, starting from a general dentist to specialist dentist, all have an excellent professional life and foremost a high living standard.

But is it the same in India & other South Asian Countries?

I guess not.

As of 2015, the dentistry as a profession and earning opportunity is at a decline. Dentistry is no more seen as a lucrative or long term career proposition.


Its a fact that even dental hygienists or technicians in Western and Gulf countries make more money than the new BDS/MDS of India 2015.

In Pictures – Dentist in Abroad

Situation of New Dentists in India

In this post, we will try to know why there is such a difference between the dentists of abroad and India.

Here are the Top 10 reasons why a dentist in USA/EUROPE is ten times more RICHER.

The reasons are very straightforward. You will Laugh at it and think why it’s not possible here in Indian Subcontinent?

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to Know the 1st reason