
Top 15 Reasons : Why You Need A Dentist As Your Life Partner

This post will tell you why it is good to have a dentist girlfriend or wife. You will love these practical reasons.

6. You never need to worry about bad health or bad teeth anymore  🙂

You don’t need to worry anymore about small health issues. (S)He is always there to comfort you, care you and give you the correct medicines in a jiffy. So, no need to wait for one hour anymore for visiting a doctor just to get the medicines for that throat infection or tooth pain. All at you finger tips. Even if you do need to visit a doctor, no more waiting in the long queue. Why? Well, most doctors have an unsaid code – they attend to a doctor or his relative more easily and no money 😀 … So you are all set …

Read next to know how marrying a dentist will make you sexier and fitter.

7.  They will make you stay fit & beautiful & Sexy 😉

Everybody knows the value of being fit. But most of us are too lazy to do any real workouts. Well, that’s history if your lover is a dentist 😀 … Chances are (S)he will not only do workouts but make you do the same also. 

So there are more chances that you will be slim, trim & more beautiful in your next batch reunion. 

Whereas your friends might look fat with a pot belly, bloated & 10 years more than their age. That time you will thank him/her a million times.

You will have an awesome social life if you marry a doctor.

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