

Check out the richest dental chains in the world. How they work and how they are changing the way dentistry works !

What Are The Controversies Related To Corporate Dental Clinic Chains ?

We have listed some of the biggest and most profitable corporate dental clinic chains.

There are many more. But we posted about a few in this article. More will be posted in future articles.

So you see that all these corporate practices have excellent infrastructure, manpower and all the comforts a patient can desire for.

Personally I also prefer the corporate sector of dentistry as it seems to be more streamlined & professional.

Then what’s the reason that in recent past many controversies have erupted against the corporate system of dental practice.

Is it just a few unsatisfied patients or in general there seems to be a issue ?

We did a little research and found many facts.

In USA also there are many litigation against many of the corporate dental practices.

In India & South Asian Countries also the complaints seems to be rising.

Though nothing can be said exactly but its not difficult to guess the problem & I can say this as I did some of the corporates dental chain myself to see their approach.

I wont name the practices but this is what I observed :

At The End Of The Day : SHOW ME THE MONEY

Its costs a huge load of money to establish dental chains.

There is big loans, share holders money and lot of other financial demands.

In a private practice a single dentist might take it easy.

But in corporate sector the demand for profit is too high.

The doctors who work there are given cut depending on how many cases they do. Also salary based system is in use.

So the moment a patient enters the dental clinic, the marketing machinery starts to charge as much money as possible for one client.

Some of the treatments I inquired for were quoted extremely high.

This happens because the corporate sector demands money & profit.

You can just Google about it and many such reported instances will catch your notice.

In return of the world class infrastructure that’s provided, you might be asked to pay almost $1000 for a regular ultrasonic scaling !!! What do you feel about that ?

But at the same the dental chains are also doing a lot of community service. But is it just a way to strengthen their commercial aspect.

So, we end the article here … leaving you with the question

Do you really feel the Corporate System Of Dental Chain is Good For Dentistry or Not So Good?