
Dental Practice Management – Setting Up A Dental Practice From Scratch

Emotional Quotient : Setting up a Dental Clinic - Some basic but very crucial points.

Going Solo or Partnering With Some One

Finally, keeping in mind the exorbitant costs of upkeep, you should consider taking in a partner. This is purely a personal decision. But having a partner will lessen the initial financial burden that you will have to work under. Most people do prefer opening the clinic in partnership.

But personally, I feel that it is better to open a personal clinic 1st and when it catches up speed then start consultations. But some other dentist may have some other idea. These all keeps changing along with the situation.

Points to be careful when getting into partnership

  1. Make sure it’s someone you can trust and openly discuss all the matters.
  2. Make sure you correctly complete all the legal & paper works. Trust me, however, close you may be – it is always better & safer to have all the legalities sorted and on paper for any future issues that may arise.
  3. Plan up and divide your work. Always remember you are part of the same team. So none of you should be greedy. Working together will fetch you much more benefits financially and socially.
  4. Once the clinic picks up speed door opens to make more money like tieups with pharmaceutical and dental material companies.

Change Your Attitude 

Think that you are in the Service Oriented Business

image credit: imgur

The basic mistake that many dentists make is taking patients for granted.

Always have that understanding that you are in a service-oriented business You are providing a service to your clients and satisfaction of clients is paramount for the success of any business. This pattern of thought is necessary to succeed in the highly competitive sector of dental practice.

Such an attitude will always keep you alert and on your toes, which will by default propel your clinical practice towards success with time. 

So Remember – 

Don’t have the “You Don’t Care” aura about you.

Make the patient feel that you are listening to him/her and genuinely caring to address his/her problem

One needs to treat the dental set up as any other service providing industry and always keep the business sense tight and smart (of course with a little bit of heart!)

Keep proper records of each and every patient. This is a must, not just for the patient benefit but for your benefit also. Not having proper records can lead to problems for your set up.


Keep a complete track of your monthly expenditure just like any other business. Many times its overlooked. Only when you have an idea regarding the outgoing money and incoming finance, then only you can plan for your future projects.

A successful business in created on the basis of a strong foundation, good knowledge about changing markets, providing best facilities, managing your finance & connecting with your customers.

All the above points are completely applicable to your Professional Dental Clinic also.

So mind the points.

Learn To Derive Happiness Out of Small Things

  1. You want to succeed as a dentist & doctor, then learn to be happy with little pieces of joy that you get in your everyday practice. If you can’t then you will never be at peace.
  2. A private dental practice, no matter where the setup, is a pretty lucrative one. And the satisfaction that you get out of administering a successful treatment is immense. Work towards building up a good reputation for yourself, that way you will be able to attract patients, no matter what the rest of them say.

Read this amazing post that will tell you about the happiest moments for a Dentist


Being a Dentist is not easy. It’s very stressful as it involves 2 very difficult things to satisfy a patient. 1st to reduce the pain and 2nd to improve the aesthetics. Yes, its is tough & stressful … but there are numerous happy and gratifying moments also. Every profession has its happy days.

The Take-Away Points

Last but not the least, life as such is very stressful in the present day world.

Society is getting highly competitive & as is human nature “ more & more selfish”. This all puts tremendous pressure physically as well as mentally. So learn to be content, love your family members & get love from them.

Also as time proceeds, start doing social causes.

All these social ventures (that are done without the hope of any gain) will give you immense happiness as you start aging.

Also, pick up some hobbies & learn them.

“Remember You are not a Robot”

So that’s in a nutshell everything and yet at the same time nothing about setting up a dental practice.

We may write as much as we want about starting a dental practice but in the end, we need to get down in the water to learn how to swim!

Don’t overthink about the issue.

The more you think, the more complicated it appears. Just make a good plan and go for the swing.

I am not an expert myself. Am just 26 Years who just completed his post graduation and now planning to take my baby steps into the world of professional dental practice. So, I am in no way am an expert in managing a clinic, right now. But I had the luck of interacting with many successful dentists. And through these interactions, one picks up many points that are valuable. So, to all my fellow dental warriors, start your journey and make good memories along the way.

image credits : | Artist : Little Wing 

My sincere wish that we all have a day like the one in the picture above  🙂

Hallelujah … Show me the money 🙂

Before you go, please check out some other amazing articles by authors who have been practicing successfully for some time and sharing valuable experiences with you. These articles below will give you some valuable points that will take your dental practice to the next level.


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(A Guide for all the young dentists) This article is for all those dental graduates who have passed or are soon going to pass and planning to open their dental clinic/set up. You will come across many articles on the web and also here at that will talk to you about dos and don’t s while planning for a dental clinic.


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