

Premium Articles, Digital Arts & Gifts

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Dentistry Career Abroad

Premium Articles for a Dental Career in Major Countries

14,000 words complete article explaining all the steps with videos, flowcharts, and official links

14,000 words complete article explaining all the steps with videos, flowcharts, and official links

12,000 words complete article explaining all the steps with videos, flowcharts, and official links

12,000 words complete article explaining all the steps with videos, flowcharts, and official links

Combo Set – 2 Articles

What After BDS~MDS Smart Article

10,000 Words E-Book with “What After BDS/MDS Planner”

​All your questions on career after BDS/MDS – answered & evaluated with new emerging market trends and opportunities in India.

The online Smart PDF version of the popular article – “What After BDS & MDS – Career Trends”

Read the article on your phone and tablet at any time.

EXCLUSIVE: What After BDS/MDS Career Planner Flowchart in the Article

Starting a Dental Practice
(complete manual)

​The comprehensive article on how to start a dental practice.

The online Smart PDF version of the popular article – “How to Start a Dental Practice”

Read the article on your phone and tablet at any time.

EXCLUSIVE: Complete expense list + Instruments Manual + Planning Flowchart