

What are the various types of Dental Diploma courses after BDS? How to choose a Diploma course? How much the dental diploma costs? All the answers in this article.
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In India Dental Diploma courses are of 2 types Private & Government


Diploma after BDS

  • Currently, if you do an online search, you will find too many diploma courses being offered related to all the streams of dentistry. In fact for many seasoned dentists or MDS graduates running private decision courses are now a full-time profession with good profit margin. It has turned into a full-time career for many senior and experienced dental surgeons. For a fresh graduate, this might be confusing.
  • You just google private diploma courses and a long list of courses will appear on your device screen. The fees for these courses varies from one set up to another. Some diploma courses are being provided by very famous and well-experienced dentists. So they manage to have the tie-ups with all big dental companies. The fee for such courses is pretty high. There are also some medium budget setups where the pricing is not that high.
  • Some setups provide diploma course in a particular branch like endodontics, orthodontics, lasers etc. Some big setups provide a  training in all the aspects of dentistry covering multiple branches.

  • What do I feel in my own capacity? Personally, I don’t have the right to pass judgment as I haven’t joined any such course as a participant. I have though been part of some courses as an organizer to help out my seniors. I feel that these courses do help dental graduates in giving specialized skills that can be handy to them. Just the price factor is a concern as I found in my inquiries. The courses are not cheap.
  • Some of these courses are one day CDE programs. They are relatively cheaper. But one day might not be enough to grasp the topic. Multiple days of diploma course are better in terms of providing the dentist better insight into a particular topic. Such longer courses usually cost a lot more. Also, hands-on courses (where you actually perform the procedure on a patient under the supervision of a seniors faculty) are a must have. Though costlier that than lecture courses, but hands-on courses have the maximum benefit for the young dentists.
  • Many times the price factors keep these courses out of the reach of many dental students/dentists. But in the end, it is up to you. Remember money spent to learn a dental skill is never a waste. As you will use this new skill and earn more. But you have to selective in choosing the right course for you. Do all the necessary inquiries, before paying up. Make inquiries as to what skills you are going to learn, are you going to hands-on training, will you be getting the chance to work on patients? Only when you are sure then join the course.

What are the drawbacks of private diploma courses:

I did mention that the diploma courses by experienced dental practitioners are beneficial for the students and that is a fact. But at the same time seeing this requirement of young dentists there has been a sudden growth of these diploma type courses. Not all the courses being provided are up to the mark or quality compared to

Not all the courses being provided, are up to the mark or quality compared to the price being paid by the candidates. So, the key is to spend money on the course of good quality.


Once again note these points and ask about them whenever you are planning to join a particular diploma course:

Diploma After BDS

1) See the Topic of the Diploma course: Make sure that it is of clinical benefit to you. Remember you are NOT doing the course for an academical benefit. You are doing the course so that you can apply those skills in your dental practice. Unless you can practically apply what you learn, in your own practice and locality, then do not join the course.

2) Check if the Dental Skill you will learn in the Diploma/CDE is feasible to use in your geographical location: Consider this example- There is a CDE/Diploma course on Zygomatic Implants. In the dental implant sector, Zygomatic Implants are one of the top evolving things. Many famous oral surgeons are performing this procedure. You are really very curious to know more about it. But the CDE/Diploma is pricey considering the equipment and materials. Also, If your clinic is located in a small interior town in India. 

Should you join the course? The answer is NO! Reason – In your area, you will hardly ever place a zygomatic implant. It will be too costly for the patients. Secondly, it is very technique sensitive and can go wrong.

Thus decide to join a course very practically considering if the dental skills that you will learn in the CDE/Diploma course can be practiced in your geographical location.

3) Check who is mentoring the course: As a dentist who is planning to spend his/her limited funds on the CDE/Diploma course it is essential to know who is mentoring the course. It is better for you to join the courses that are being mentored by famous and experienced dentists. I am not saying, new speakers or doctors, are not good. But when you are paying the money, it better for you to go with the mentors with a proven track record and experience in conducting successful CDE/Diploma courses in their respective specialty.

4) Check the duration of the course: The courses vary in duration. They can be a 1 to 2 days program. It is more apt to call them CDE. Then there are extended programs (spread over few months or continuous 30 to 45 days). It basically comes down to your requirement and budget. The long term courses are usually more costly than a 1 or 2 days CDE.

5) Check for the refund policies: You might have booked for a particular course, but in the last moment there are some changes to your plans due to which you are not able to join the course. Most of these courses usually ask for more than 50% of the price as an advance. Inquire strictly about the refund policies in case you are not able to attend the course.

6) What are the topics you should try to target in the CDE or Dental Diploma courses: There are few skills in dentistry that you must master or get good at if you plan to have a successful dental practice. In my experience, it is always more profitable to join the diploma courses that improve the aesthetic outcomes of your dental practice. Keep a watch on the CDE/Diploma courses based on:

  • Root Canal Advancements
  • Replacement of missing tooth (implants in the aesthetic zone, Complete dentures impression taking and planning)
  • Composite restorations
  • Applications of laser
  • Periodontal management (flap surgeries and treatment planning)
  • Esthetic Simple Periodontal Procedures like Gum Surgeries for managing gummy smile etc.
  • Botox applications in smile improving
  • Smile designing (complete approach)
  • Case Diagnosis

These are just some of the basic topics that you can watch out for.  So, always join a private CDE or a Diploma course only after making sure that the 6 questions mentioned above have been answered up to your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied, then maybe the course is not the correct one for you.

If you are thinking why we have not mentioned any particular private diploma course, that’s is because we have not actively assessed anyone. If we get a chance to assess any particular course and feel sure about its quality, then we will add it to this list.

But until that we hope that you will consider the 6 points mentioned before deciding to pay and join any particular CDE/Dental diploma course.

See The Next Slide Where we will discuss the

Govt. approved Diploma courses.

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