

Google Analytics Statistics on average receives more than 1 million page views & more than 100,000 users, every month. has a worldwide reach & content, with viewers from all over the world. Our maximum reach is in USA, Europe, Australia, Asia, Middle East (Dubai and Gulf countries) & Indian Subcontinent.

Social Media  ~ E-mail Subscriber Statistics is very active in social media. We are active on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter & Google Plus. We have reached more than 100,000 members at our official facebook page.

We also have 50,000 Plus e-mail subscribers.

We have reached more than 100,000 members at our official facebook page with nearly 1 million or more reach every week.

Facebook Social Reach Statistics

Explore all our Programs and Choose the one that is suitable for your brand. Get in front of  Consumers, Health Professionals & Doctors.

The advertising revenue goes into maintaining this website and carrying out free health awareness programs in the poor & neglected rural areas.