
Benefits Of Using Facebook For Your Dental Practice

This article is the part of series, where we are telling you about the use of Facebook marketing for your dental practice.
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This article is the part of series, where we are analyzing, how a dentist can use Facebook marketing for improving the popularity and revenues of his/her dental practice.

Dental Practice Management – How to make FaceBook Work For Your Dental Practice

Facebook has many potential benefits for your dental practice. 2 points are essential for a successful online presence of your dental practice.

Your Dental Practice Website + An Effective Facebook Marketing  

Both the above factors combined have substantial advantages. The benefits listed below can lead to increased engagement with the patients &  growing popularity of your dental practice.


#1. Benefit Of Facebook Marketing

(Facebook Is Low-Cost Marketing Strategy)

Traditional marketing is a high-cost affair. You need to shell out a lot of your hard earned money for a spot in newspapers, TV commercials or a banner in a favorite magazine.

However, the general use of Facebook is completely free.

In Facebook, dental practice promotion is done by creating a Page, a Group or a Profile for your dental clinic.

Moreover, all this is completely free.

There are no charges to start using these features of Facebook.


Once your Facebook page slightly grows in number, then you can take the help of Facebook ads for highly targeted reach to the people in the geographical region of your choice.

 We will come to that in the next slides of this article.

So, 1st benefit of using Facebook is that there is no upfront cost expenditure for you.

#2. Benefit of Facebook Marketing

(Using Facebook you can create an excellent portfolio for yourself )

Facebook is the place where you can post all the relevant details about your practice line name, address, contact information and other important features without paying any money.

The benefit is you can link this also to your profile. The benefit is getting that initial leverage and promotion to get you going without spending a lot.


Sharing Pictures and Videos of Your Dental Practice

Facebook gives you the platform to upload your pictures and high-quality videos free of cost. There is no limit on how much can you upload. It is a great tool to build up your library.


Facebook gives you the ability to embed your posts directly into your dental website. 

Facebook also allows users to ‘tag’ photos to indicate if a Facebook friend appears in them.

This function can be used to promote your dental practice. For example, you can post some well-shot pictures of your clinic or before-after pics of your clinic and tag your friends in them.

Each tagged image will show up as an update on the participant’s Facebook account, where their friends will see it too. It increases the level of interest in the picture, and in your clinical setup.


Point to Note :

If you do decide to use tagging, be careful. It can be a privacy issue, and some Facebook users are sensitive about being tagged in photographs. For this reason, it is better to ask and take permission from your old patients.


Don’t worry many patients whom you have treated well will be happy to share and tag your posts. Just make sure that the photos and videos you are using to Tag your contacts are Aesthetic and Good Looking for example before after pic of RCTs, Aesthetic procedures with good results.

(Please avoid tagging people in Bloody pictures of Extraction or operative sites)

See Next Slide 

#3. Benefit of Facebook Marketing

(Build up a Free Review System)

#3. Benefit of Facebook Marketing

(Build up a Free Review System/Check-In System)

Facebook gives you the facility to create a review system for your dental practice page.

In other instances creating an evaluation system will need inputs from the web designer persons.

However, on Facebook, it is effortless and completely free.

Facebook gives you two ways to create a review system for your dental practice page.


  • Review Tab – Where a generalized rating is shown based on the review stars provided by your visitors. 
  • Review Comment Section – Here the guests offer their ratings,  comments, and experience when they visited your dental practice.

Facebook also provides a check-in system for your patients based on the location of your clinic.

So any friendly patient can post in their timeline that they have checked into your dental office – and also that their visit experience was comfortable.


The good point – this update will be visible to all of the Facebook friends of the patient. It creates an instant positive notification about your clinical practice, without you having to spend anything.

Slowly but steadily this method creates a buzz about your dental practice with an increased possibility of more and more patients. 

Benefits of this Review System for Your Dental Clinic

In the initial days of creating your Facebook page, you can request your old patients, who you feel are happy with your treatment services, to give their feedback and favorable review. Also, you can ask your friends and family members to give you good feedbacks and reviews.


Whenever any individual gives a review, then that review by default is posted on their timeline and is visible to all facebook friends.

It indirectly creates a viral campaign reaching not only the profiles of your contacts but also the profiles of their Facebook friends. 

This approach gets the name of your dental practice closer to many other potential clients. Seeing positive reviews from their close friends is a great motivator and trust inducer to visit your dental practice in need of Dental Treatments. 


#4. Benefit of Facebook Marketing 

(Provide Free Patient Advice &

Raise The Presence of your dental practice brand)

Many big brands are providing their customer support directly via Facebook.

Why ?

Facebook is now present in everyone’s phone in the form of an app. It establishes a direct communication between the brand and the client.

For Example – One of your old patients has some immediate doubts regarding oral health that he/she wants to clarify. Then via Facebook, he/ she may direct message you in the message box of your Facebook page.


This system, in certain scenarios, is much more efficient than answering patients via phone calls. Regular reply to the queries from patients also builds up a strong goodwill and trust in your dental practice. However, you must not take too much time to respond as two days in social media can appear two weeks.

Get More Likes By

Posting Interesting Posts & Updates

In the World of Facebook “Likes” matter.

Once you open a Facebook page for your dental practice, your sole aim is to get Facebook users and potential future patients to like your page.

Get them to click the most famous LIKE button.

For that, you need to post interesting pics and information. Post interesting dental trivia photos. Also, try to post good looking before after pictures of your treatment. Avoid images of blood and extraction. Post relevant, funny quotes related to dental health.


Once you make the user like your page, then they will start receiving the updates and posts that you publish in their Facebook timeline.

So spend some time and keep posting some fantastic articles that will appeal to your future clients and build your reputation as a reliable and modern dental practice.

Positive word of mouth will elevate your dental practice Brand image.

It takes some time to get the adequate likes and fan following, but it is worth the time.

See Next Slide 

#5. Give Offers/Credits to Your Regular Patients 

#5. Benefit of Facebook Marketing

Give Offers/Credits to Your Regular Patients

Via Facebook page, you can provide incentives and credits to your old patients or to those who have given you good reviews. An excellent way of showcasing what the patients are feeling about your dental practice and also making them feel special.

For example, social media company Hub Spot regularly posts the reviews of their customers/clients & how they helped them with their services.


Similarly, you can post the photos of the patient (with their consent) with the review, experience written on the pic. In a way, it makes the patient feel special and also increases the trust value of your practice among the viewers.

Drive Traffic/Patients To Your Official Website via Your Facebook Page

In one of the previous article, we saw how to build a website for your dental practice.

Your Dental Practice Website with your dental practice Facebook page is a well-oiled set up for your Online Dental Marketing and credibility.


As the fan members of your Dental Practice Facebook page keeps increasing, you need to publish good articles posted in the blog section of your website as links.

People / Prospective patients just love and appreciate an informative article. Through the links, you can redirect the visitors back to your website.

It is a very effective method to build your online brand and potentially getting more clients.

A steady and increasing traffic to your website means that people are liking and noticing your great content. It acts as a great promotion for your dental practice. This parameter is not something that can always be measured by numbers. However, in the long run, this system has a great benefit. 


As more and more people are getting net savvy and migrating to online services, you will be surprised at the significant number of visitors to your website, and social media, going ahead to book an appointment at your practice.

So, once you set up your Facebook page do not let it go idle for a long time. Same goes for your website too. At regular intervals create good informative contents for your site and also Facebook page/profile. Then share these contents on your social media page. The target should be to be consistent in your postings and social activity.

Well, then what you waiting for – get on to work and start creating informative contents. In today’s era, you cannot afford not to explore the full possibilities that social media provides you.


See The Final Points

#5. Benefit Of Promoting in Facebook

Paid Promotion By Facebook 

#5. Benefits Of Promoting in Facebook

Paid Promotion By Facebook 

One of the most beneficial aspects of Facebook in the recent times is the option to create paid advertisements directly within the Facebook.

Due to the way it is designed, Facebook advertising has a great potential for dentists. There are many advantages, but one of the best advantages is

Facebook ads are highly targeted.

Facebook gives you options to customize your ads to fine tune it as per your target group of consumers.


You can choose to which demography or area your ads are shown.

You can control to which age group the ads are shown.

You can also control the number of people who will see the ads.

For example – Le’ts say you are a dentist in Bangalore India. Moreover, you want to spread the information about your dental clinic to the prospective patients located within the 10 km radius of your practice location. You also want the ads to appear across all age group. 

Facebook lets you create ads taking into consideration all the above requirements.


The ads are presented beautifully both in Desktop and Mobile alike and directly reaches the target audience you have chosen while creating ads. 

We will be explaining you in detail about using Facebook ads exclusively for your Dental Practice in a separate article.

You can know in detail about how to use Facebook for Promoting your dental practice by reading two articles below.  

So by now, you have must have an idea about the benefits of using Facebook as an option for promoting and advertising your dental practice.


Just being good in Dental Work is not enough.

You need to know how to use the modern day tools and connect to people to expand your dental practice. Facebook is one such great tool.

Some of the Related articles on Promoting Dentistry in Social Media 


We have discussed in the last few posts on how using the most popular social media medium – Facebook for promotion of your dental practice. In this post we will tell you on how you can promote your dental practice using Facebook to the local clients/patients.


Welcome doctors, all of you must be regularly use Facebook not only to connect with your friends and family but also to share your works and clinical facilities in various medical and dental groups. In this post we will tell you – How can you use the biggest social media Facebook and its advertising option to increase the reach of your Dental Practice.


This article will tell you How Dentists Can use Facebook to Expand the Reach of their Dental Practice ? The Tips of What you should or should not do – When Promoting Your Dental Practice on Facebook To use face-book for promoting your dental practice you need to things A website for your dental practice A Facebook page for your dental practice.


In this guide, we will show you the basics of how a dentist can use Facebook to his/her professional advantage. The guide is aimed at the Dentist who wants to market their business on the world’s largest social network.


This article is the part of series, where we are telling you about the use of Facebook marketing for your dental practice and in this post we will discuss about A Facebook page has many potential benefits for your business. 2 points are very necessary for an successful online presence of your dental practice.

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