
10 Greatest Mistakes to Avoid in Your Dental Clinic – Dental Practice Management

In this article, you will learn about top 10 mistakes that can hold you back from achieving the complete success in your dental career. So, now your job is to avoid those ten mistakes.

4.The Power To Play The “Waiting Game”

Dentistry is a Long Waiting Game.

The One Who Waits For The correct Time, Reaps the Crop

You finally completed setting up your dental clinic with great care and considerable investments.

Obviously, you are hoping that soon you will be in a position to recover the money invested. However, it is not that easy. 

Setting up a clinic by investing and then

recovering money are two different things completely.

It always takes time for you to have solid net profit in your hands

  • For example, if you are using your clinic space in a rental format, where you need to pay a fixed amount every month to the real owner of the place, then it is not that easy to recover the amount on a monthly basis.
  • The monthly rental for the location depends on the popularity or accessibility of the area. If it is a high crowd area, then the price shoots up considerably.
  • Sometimes you will just be breaking even at the end of the month.

Many senior dentists have told me that you need to sit in the market for at least five years to be a known dentist and then only you can hope for a regular income via profit.

It is an unending cycle, and every new dental professional has to go through it.

The Waiting Game

Next Foolish Mistake: Clinic is Not a Comic Book Story & You are Not A Super Hero!

5. Don’t Be A Super Hero

(Managing Dental Clinic is Not a Comic Book Story & You are Not A Super Hero !)

It is a very crucial point. Being a Super Hero can give you lot of headaches and tensions.

Take the day to day clinic activities with lot ease & calm.

It is your clinic, and part of your responsibility is to Make A PROPER CASE SELECTION

Select the cases to treat very appropriately & carefully. In case you are confused about something do not try to experiment and find a treatment. Contact a specialist and call him/her for consultation.

Yes, you will have to give part of the treatment fees to the expert, but you will not be at the risk of getting a bad name for your clinic.

It is called being sensible.

Next Most Serious Mistake: Keeping Your Treatment Fees very little to compete with the neighboring dentists.

6. Who Can Provide The Cheapest Treatment

(One Major Point Pulling Dentistry Down)

Never get into this game. Never.

It is one of the biggest problems in the modern day dentistry. The irony is this issue is created by no one else but the dentists themselves.

“It is a problem by the dentist, for the dentist & of the dentist.”

The Dental Price Wars! Image Source:

How to tackle this price tussle?

  • New dentists might feel that keeping the price low will bring in more patients. However, that is not true.
  • By doing so, you are just deprecating the value of your profession to the level of potatoes and tomatoes.
  • Any patient who tries to bargain, DON’T ENTERTAIN!
  • I am not saying to charge very high prices. Charge the respectable minimum that’s prevalent in the market.
  • Make an understanding with the fellow dentists.
  • The moment you give the patient the liberty to bargain with you, it does more harm than good.
  • Always remember good things never come cheap. There is a value for it. One patient might go, but others will come. So hold your ground.

Next Mistake Number 7: Not Updating Your Clinical Knowledge

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