

Dental Graduate Fights Psycho Relative

Anjali’s Story

(As told by Anjali)

” I was always a good student & one of the top ranker in my school and college. You will be surprised I got MBBS but I always wanted to be a dentist. So I chose BDS in Govt. Dental College Molarpur. I am still very happy with the decision I made. “

But some of the relatives never know how to be happy !!! Or may be they don’t have the understanding.

And they started pinch-comment (from the day I joined BDS) like you see in the Saas Bahu Dramas

Why dental ? ? ?

So many years you will study only 32 teeth ? ? ? !!!!

What’s the use of you being a topper 🙂

But that was just the beginning of the comment bombs !!!

Its like she was on a mission – ” Mission Dentistry Bashing “

I told her “Kaki ” (It means Aunty) … Dentistry is also a vast branch and has 9 specialties. We are also designated as Doctors.

And she was like – ” Haiiiiinnnnn !!!! 9 specialties !!!!!!! but what’s the use of  having 9 specialties for just tooth !!!!

Worst part was hearing all that crap and not react openly. I will just leave the room with some excuse and the expression like below

But it was the just the beginning … more was still to come

Next Slide

The Bombings of the relative continues …  See Next …