An age old saying that fits the situation aptly
Lets discuss a few more points that can give you better idea for preparation .
Before starting the preparation be confident .
Fear of failure will be there but you got to over come that the move ahead.
Confidence is the outcome of hard work. So when you desire to be confident for your exams, you will by default start working harder than before.
Learn Time Management
You have limited time.
So you have to be very perfect in your time management
Always make time bound plan for your study, say you have to
complete Periodontics – 5 chapters in 1 day and Orthodontics 10 chapters in 2 days.
Try to do it like that and if you fail to complete the first task in the allotted time don’t extend it.
Just leave it and proceed to the next task.
Divide the remaining time up to the exams in 2 phases.
Give 80% of the total time to phase 1 and rest 20% to phase.
At the end of the phase 1 your preparations should be totally complete as you are ready for the final exams any time after that.
Next 20% should be given for revisions, mock tests, exam rehearsals etc.
The idea behind such devisions is not to spend a great deal of time just to finish a set of work.
There is no point in finishing 5 chapters in 5 days and not having time to finish 20 more remaining chapters.
So, divide and plan your time insect a manner that – you not only finish the subjects but also save some time for revision.
This habit will also come very handy while solving MCQs in exams where you only have 2 to 3 hours to complete the exam.