
Dr Chinmoy Hazarika

Dr Chinmoy Hazarika

This article is written by Dr. Chinmoy Hazarika. He is a practicing dentist and an avid blogger. He writes at He has also authored a Novel "Crooked Crusader: Morally Impaired"

9 Practical Mistakes Not To Do As A Professional Dentist

Dental Practice Management: What are the top 9 Points that a Dentist must never do as a professional? Dental Practice Management: 9 Practical Mistakes Not To Do As A Professional Dentist MY FIRST JOB AFTER BDS: THINGS I LEARNT NOT…

Are Dentists Doctors?

"Dentists are not Doctors." "You are a dentist, not a doctor." "You are just a dentist." Sounds familiar, right? Each one of my colleagues has heard one of the above statements at least once in his/her career.