Working as a Dentist in Australia for the overseas dentists
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It’s a common trend where many dentists from all over the world migrate to western and developed countries like the USA, European countries, Canada, and of course Australia. The attraction for doing so is obvious – better life standard, higher income compared to their own country, and more opportunities to grow professionally & financially.
For a decade and more, Australia has been one of the most sought-after destinations for overseas dentists to establish their professional careers as a dentist. Even if there is a continuous buzz regarding the increasing saturation, cost of ADC Exams and long process to get qualified, every year an adequate amount of students strive their best (investing their time + resources + finance) to start a dental career in Australia.
Also, it’s not a surprise, the majority of the overseas students trying to settle and work in Australia as a dentist is from Asian and South Asian countries. The biggest motivation is, of course, the quality of professional life and higher earnings.
An average salary of a general dentist in Australia is $139,012. On a direct comparison, it is much more than the earnings of most dentists in Asian/South Asian countries.

The main hurdle in working in Australia:
A dental degree obtained in an overseas country is not directly valid in Australia. What it means that, if you want to work in Australia as a Licensed dentist, then
- You will need to go through an assessment process that formally checks & reviews your eligibility, dental subject knowledge, and clinical expertise in dentistry. This assessment is undertaken by ADC (Australian Dental Council) in 3 stages. You need to pass all the 3 stages to qualify.
- Only after qualifying ADC, you can apply for the dentist license with DBA (Dental Board of Australia). DBA will review and make a final decision on your application for dentist license registration.
However, if you are assuming it’s as simple as steps 1 & 2 mentioned above, then you are mistaken. The entire journey of working as a licensed dentist in Australia has multiple questions to understand and prepare for.
In this premium article, our goal is to explain all the steps and inner questions along with the official references so that you can have a complete initial understanding of the entire process – how to work as a dentist in Australia.
Here is the complete list of points covered in the premium Article
- The various regulatory board in Australia that controls the process – AHPRA, DBA & ADC
- The COMPLETE VIDEO overview of the process before you read the article. The video will provide you with the initial information and points that are crucial in the ADC process.
- What is ICHC (International Criminal History Record)?
- VISA-related important points – for giving exams and working in Australia
- What are the various stages of ADC (Australian Dental Council) Exams?
- ADC – Initial Assessment Details
- ADC – Written Exam Details
- ADC – Practical Exam Details
- Question patterns of ADC Written & Practical Exams
- What to do, what not to do, and what to bring to ADC Exams
- Steps to get Licensed as General Dentist
- Steps to get Licensed as Dental Specialist
- (Points 11, 12) – What is the next step once you complete your ADC Exams successfully?
- Financial Expense distribution of ADC Process + Financial Planning to start a career in Australia
- Cost of the entire License Registration process in Australia
- Complete financial guide, salary guide, and how to search for dentist jobs in Australia
- Free 1200 Practice MCQs with answers + explanation
Every important aspect of working as a dentist in Australia has been covered in the article. You will also find direct references to official links as you read the points in the article.
The most important information in the premium article:
You will get information on what after ADC Exams (if you pass it). Passing the ADC Exams is only one of the steps in starting your dental career in Australia. In the article, you will get an idea of the career steps after completing ADC Assessment
You will also get a complete overview of the most important aspect of the process – “Finance.” (Both before and after ADC)
Detailed discussion on Job scenarios and Salaries.
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