
Dental Practice Management – 7 Ways To Survive & Succeed In Dentistry

This post will tell you 7 types of problems that a dentist faces and how to survive them. Yes, you need to survive these points as its highly unlikely that you are going to change your career in the middle of your life!

Dental Practice Management: This post will tell you 7 ways for a dentist to survive and succeed a career in Dentistry. 

This post will tell you 7 ways for a dentist to survive and succeed a career in Dentistry. 

1. Are You Good or even Average in Arts?

You by now realise that dentistry has a lot to do with aesthetics.

One of your job profile is to make people’s smile look good.

So try to look at things from a Aesthetic point of view 🙂

2. Practice Well in Tooth Carving

Please don’t run away from tooth carving, as it will add to your aesthetic sense of dentistry.

So when you do a restoration in a real patients mouth – outcome will be beautiful.

Happy patients will lead to more successful dental practice.

3. Want To Be a Millionaire Dentist in Short Time ?

Single most stress inducing attitude for any dentist.

Forget such ideas and concentrate on your work and skills.

Do not get carried away by looking at rich, Audi driving senior Dentists.

It took them a lot of time and hard work to get there – and you my friend have just hatched out your egg.

So, try to change this attitude to survive dentistry.

4. Do Not Under Estimate or Compare Your Dental Career with Your Friends

Single most important factor to survive dentistry is to STOP underestimating your own career.

Never compare your dental career with your friends in other careers.

Go to Next Page for

points number 5, 6 & 7 to survive & succeed in dentistry

We are looking at 7 points that a dentist must have to survive a career in dentistry.

5. Are You Bad in Communication?

Please understand that dentistry is 90 % PR based job. You have to be good in public talking.

Even if you are angry with a patient – you cannot shout or show anger.

You have put forward your thoughts in a controlled manner.

It might sound easy – but it actually very difficult.

6. The Weak Hearted

If you are the ones who would cry at the drop of a hat,

then you are just not emotionally made for this.

Expect things to go terribly wrong at the most crucial moment. Like the exam dates.

They always manage to give you tension 😀

You might get ditched by your patient before your exam,

your model might fall and break, your ‘just perfect’ restoration might just crumble in a moment and much more !

    • Medical & Dental exams are very very stressful. The exam dates always come as a surprise.
    • The marking is such that some times you fail just by one mark.
    • Some times you do well in theory … but the teacher fails you in practicals as its completely in their hands.
    • Commonly all these factors take a lot out of a dental student. Long hours of study, difficult curriculum, clinical cases & finding patients for exams.
    • It all sounds tough but in reality, it much more tougher.

  • You might get ditched by your patient before your exam, your model might fall and break, your ‘just perfect’ restoration might just crumble in a moment and much more !
  • Its like a prolonged game that keeps running for the entire year and then the fate of the entire year depends on the exam only.
  • If you aren’t strong enough to handle stressful situations you might just collapse midway.

It really gets very frustrating.

But you can’t do anything but just shout when you are alone.

7. Don’t Be A Cry Baby  ! !

Want to survive dentistry – then please don’t be a cry baby.

Dentistry is a tough career and you need to harden up.

If you be a cry baby like the picture below – then you won’t survive a career in dentistry.

It’s time to toughen up.

So, I hope, that you understand by now, that you need to bring

certain changes in you in order to survive and be successful in dentistry.

So as Client East Wood Said –

Its Time To Toughen Up And go for the Battle. Mind it.